10 June, 2010

The role of woman today

Today, we are stepping into a new millenium. The era of science and technology has caught up with each and every one of us. Men, and women, both have equal parts to play in order to make the world a better place for the up and coming generations.

The 20th century is a far cry from all the earlier civilizations. For women, especially, they are freed from the tight clutches of Medieval society. They are no longer mere childbearers or caretakers of the family, to be confined only to the kitchens or the bedrooms. These days, women have finally found their rightful place in society.

However, this was not an overnight revolution. It was a tiring uphill baffle which took courage and determination most of us can only admire. It was a torrent struggle against the current of so-called ethics. It took a whole series of demonstrations, street protests and even the burning of bras before women could even call upon enough attention to show the world that they were really serious about Women's Liberation. The fruit of their labour? the right to vote, finally!

The Women's Liberation Movement was a major milestone for women all over the globe. Being given their voting rights signalled that women now have a voice of their own. But even then, women were still viewed as back-seat drivers, never allowed the chance to really make decisions. In viewing that, some women took the Liberation Movement one step further by actively taking part in the political, social and economic arenas. Although women have yet to take hold of the reins of the world, still, many have proven their capabilities to be as good as, if not better than men.

Take First Lady Hilary Clinton for example. Is she not always standing faithfully beside her husband through thick and thin, forever his silent but powerful driving force? Or when she is not playing the "Good Wife" part, isn't she always busy going about doing good as a Samaritan as well as a diplomat? How about the late Princess Diana for instance? She was a true princess at heart, not the kind who puts on airs and dresses up for balls. No, not her! While she was not bringing smiles to the faces of starving Ethopian children, she was out in full gear, campaigning against mine fields and global violence. All that despite being constantly the target of the media people, or rather rumourmongers who are ever ready to devour any sleaze they hear! These two fine ladies are the perfect icons for women today, but they are not the only ones. Many more have followed in their footsteps, and many succeeded in making a change for the better, for themselves, and those around them.

The battle of the sexes has long since existed, and it is safe to say that we are merely halfway through. It only ends with the abolition of prostitution, domestic violence against wires, sexual abuse and discrimination. Therefore the womenfolk of the world must come together, giving support to their sisters all over the globe to secure a fairer world for their daughters and granddaughters of the future!

Samaritan : known for listening to people who feel uncomfortable talking to someone they know about
their problems 英国组织提供免费电话热线给那些情绪消沉的人。
rumourmongers : a person who spreads rumours 散播谣言的人。
sleaze : a thing or person having the quality cheap , dirty poor looking and often suggesting immorality.

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