11 June, 2010

A picnic

One day,a few of my friends and I went on a picnic by the sea. we brought along a bucket, a spade, a flask of drink and a mat to sit on.

It was a bright and sunny day. We decided to play on the beach and in the water. One of us, Mary, however, sat in the shade of a large tree and watch we play.

Jennifer and Jay began to make a large sand-castle. It was coming along nicely when suddenly a huge wave crashed into it and totally destroying it. Jennifer felt so disappointed while Jay stood there in disbelief.

Mary quickly came to console them. She then bought them some ice-cream, which brought the smiles back onto their faces again.

In short, everyone enjoyed the trip. In the evening, we returned home in our car, thinking of the fun we had had at that place. I enjoyed the trip so much.


spade : a tool for digging sand 铲子

disbelief : lack of belief that something is true or something that really exist 不信,怀疑

console : to give comfort to someone in times of disappointment 安慰

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