10 June, 2010


A long, long time ago there were no tame animals. All animals were wild. If man wanted to at meat, he had to hunt wild animals. Hunting also provided him with animal skin and bones.

As time passed, man learned to tame wild animals. The first animal to be tamed was the wolf. When a hunter found new-born wolf cubs, he carried them to his cave. He fed them and looked after them. As these animals grew up they became less wild. The young ones of these wolves were even less wild. Gradually they became tame, friendly and very useful. Such wolves came to be called dogs. These tamed wolves or dogs helped man to track wild animals and protect his home.

Before long, man learned to tame other wild animals such as sheep, goats and cattle. These tamed animals provided him with milk, meat and animal skin. Rearing these animals was not difficult as they could live just on grass and water. Man soon became able to get most of his food by keeping animals. He did not have to go out hunting. He became a herder. To find grass and water for his herd, he moved from one place to another. Thus he became a nomad, always looking for greener pastures for his herds.

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